Isnin, 30 Ogos 2010

. . idea . .

okey aryni , since morning ,im thinking how to handle this probs
hahaha , aduhh penink hahaha , , grrr* trouble is a right ? haha
i dun get anny idea , im becom blurrr+blank ~ ahaks dun want be
crazy ~ .then im asking abg shah , , abg shah says , scandle , hee
hehehe mybe abg shah right , myb yes , myb no , but im still feel
like i want . like i dun want . ~ i think i want to reject this boy la .
hihihihi ~ . what disaster coming , in my life i dun know , haha grr*
okey sorry fer i coz to couple wif -> muhd faiz +muhd faris .hey 2
boys , i l y .just , im tired to trust boy n love boys again . that why ,
 , errr i not shure bout that hahaha .
abg shah said , if trkatoi ~ just be cool , came down , rilexs ~
like abg shah always do , haha shahrul u are good boy , kihkihkih ,
im always proud off u , hahahaha ~ wekkie-2 jaad , sometime laa ~
okey i know , i same wif players , myb la ~ haha faris n faiz sorry .
i do love u , yes we have been couple , ny cinte 3 segi da ny , haha
i think la , i dun need to scandle , haha ~ i think i can handle this probs .
say no to love , hahahahahahaha :))

14 ulasan:

  1. adek !!
    asl lak abg yg kena jaad niew .
    xnk kwnar ngan adek mcm niew .
    wuueekkk :P

  2. ape bnde nyew ? bile mse org kate abg jaad ny ?
    alalalala ~ namo arr t0uching-2 , uhuhu :|

  3. abg !! sorry la , org maen-2 jew ,
    hihihi ~ alaaa , nnty farra ta dew geng la .

  4. eley . na mao ngaku lak . aish adek jgn la tanyang at sini . nnt lau anna or anati bace mcm mnew ?
    en dh terkantoi . adess adek . cover2 sudeyh

  5. ek eleyh , blog adex ny private la , org yg trtentu je , bule bace . diorang tk kn bace . coz my blog , already private n so privacy , haha :)

  6. hah . GOOD GRULZ FARRA , tat y i like u nyah . haha . aishh . bgus sungguh ye kamu ini .

  7. haha ~ . abg la yg ajar adex , sbb tuh la , adex jdy pndai , hehehe :)

  8. hahaha . adew2 je la farra niew . hmm ta tahu ar nk update apew ary niew .

  9. laa , farra pun , kecian abg i ny ,
    ish3 . kecian kecian ~ .

  10. Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.

  11. Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
